KO Addiction, LLC
Kyle Overmyer
Who is Kyle?
Prior to my journey in the field of recovery. I was elected Sherriff of Sandusky County in Fremont, Ohio. I was 34 year old. While Sheriff, I was diagnosed with arthritis (from sports injuries) and prescribed Vicodin for the pain. I eventually became addicted. Not only did the opiates take away the pain it helped numb the pain from life in law enforcement and everyday stress. Doctor shopping and taking old medications from the take back boxes to feed my addiction, eventually caught up with me. I was criminally indicted by a grand jury for 42 related felony drug charges. During this time, I continually campaigned and running for re-election. I eventually pled guilty to 12 counts, was sentenced and served 4 years in prison. Having been on both sides of the law and a recovering addict, I have found my true passion. I have been sober now for over 6 years. I now work recovery, share my story and as a motivational speaker, and advocate for first responders through KO addiction, LLC, which I founded to help others. I am married my wife, Jennifer and have 2 children (Mikayla and Dillon) and 2 step children (Robbie and Mason), and 1 grandchild (Riggs) and reside in Central Ohio
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